Thursday, August 7, 2014

Looking for Alaska

  1. Title: Looking For Alaska
    1. Author: John Green
    Published: March 2005
    Genres: Fiction, Young Adult Literature
    Awards: Michael L. Printz Award
    1. Type: Stand Alone
    2. Pages: 256
    3. Rating: ◆◆
    Summary (From Goodreads):
    Before. Miles "Pudge" Halter's whole existence has been one big nonevent, and his obsession with famous last words has only made him crave the "Great Perhaps" (François Rabelais, poet) even more. He heads off to the sometimes crazy, possibly unstable, and anything-but-boring world of Culver Creek Boarding School, and his life becomes the opposite of safe. Because down the hall is Alaska Young. The gorgeous, clever, funny, sexy, self-destructive, screwed-up, and utterly fascinating Alaska Young, who is an event unto herself. She pulls Pudge into her world, launches him into the Great Perhaps, and steals his heart.

    After. Nothing is ever the same.
    Looking for Alaska.pdf
    Looking for Alaska.epub

    My Review: Had the book saved for months and didn't know what to do with it. It didn't really interest me at first. I didn't understand the cover at first, but reading the book things start to make more sense. 

    Miles's point of view is what defined the book. Most books have a girl's point of view of the story, so we don't get to feel the boy's feelings. I liked his obsession with people's last words, it made him unique compared to all the other characters. People say to stay away from bad influences, but John Green has made a point in understanding
    why they are that was and it's not always bad (but it isn't exactly good). What I didn't like about Miles is that he gave aways and started doing what his friends always did. I would have accepted him sometimes smoking or drinking, it's normal, but he wasn't suppose to do it always. He never had a good reason to do it except being accepted. 

    My favorite character is definitely Alaska. Not because she was Mile's love, but because she was always unpredictable. She did everything that one would have thought that that was not her style. She stood up for women's rights and was against of sexism. Not like many girls, she didn't grow up in a happy family, she was somehow scared of going back. To the whole world she was another. Despite her smoking and drinking, she was always there for the people she cared of, after realizing an error she shouldn't have made. But sometimes she was just a b****. I accept this because sometimes it's what we tend to be without realizing (not all). 

    Part of the book I liked the most was the Best/Worst Day game during camping because I got to know more about the characters and how they came to the boarding school. Otherwise, the characters where to empty because they didn't have their own story and I couldn't understand their way of being. Worst part was the After part because Miles and Colonel (his roommate) felt guilty and Miles didn't want to know where it was all real or fake with Alaska. 

    I thought I had this book figured out, and like the summary said ... 'after: nothing is never the same'. I just wasn't ready for this. And when it finished, it was like 'POOF. And you're gone.'. I gave it 4/5 rating because I hated the ending. It was just not a good way to end it in an essay. Miles didn't really get past the whole situation. And nothing had a concrete ending. It sounded like a to be continued and there isn't going to be one. Otherwise the story was 
    intriguing. I don't read stand alone novels quite often and it didn't dissapoint me. Recommended if you liked TFIOS by John Green and you all who would like to change a bit from normal reading. 

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